Learn to ride the waves of life with ease, courage, and a drop of humour.
Awareness ~~ Compassion ~~ Perspective ~~ Gratitude ~~ Calm ~~ Connection ~~ Purpose ~~ Vitality ~~ Confidence ~~ Acceptance ~~
Tired of hurrying through the hard times, thinking that only the good times matter?
Life ebbs and flows just like the tide. Setbacks, disappointments and regrets are all a normal part of being human.
The problem isn’t the challenges, it’s that our culture tells us to push the harder moments aside, to desperately swim against the tide of uncertainty, in the pursuit of ‘the good life’ — an imaginary place free of any uncomfortable emotion or experience.
Are you tired of chasing a place that doesn’t actually exist?
I am.
That’s why I created the Happy Habit, to help people like you break the unhealthy (and exhausting) cycle of chasing happiness.
When we learn that happiness isn't the absence of challenges, but the ability to walk wholeheartedly alongside them - our lives change in profound ways.
Not only will you feel lighter and more free, you’ll also realize that your challenges can actually help you connect to what really matters.
I’m talking about more purpose, courage, compassion, gratitude and even love.
This is the version of ‘the good life’ we should all be working towards. The Happy Habit will show you how.
Try the free meditation app, listen to guided meditations for calm, peace and presence, enjoy a course or a down-to-earth self help book.
Ready to experience happiness today, not someday when…
With one teacher and one science backed framework, you can relax knowing that every guided meditation or course is a positive step towards inner happiness.
For every annual app subscription 2 families in Bangladesh gain a lifetime’s access to clean drinking water
Books that will help you see yourself, and your life in new and liberating ways.
Beautifully illustrated, full of powerful practices, these books feel like talking with an old friend.
For every book purchase 2 families in Bangladesh gain a lifetime’s access to clean drinking water
As a social enterprise, we distribute 50% of our profits to grassroots projects addressing urgent social and environmental issues.
The Happy Habit. It’s good for you … and great for humanity.
I’m Fleur Chambers.
Multi-award winning meditation teacher.
Best selling Author.
Change Maker.
Nature lover.
I’m here to help you ride the waves of life so the good times can feel great, and the setbacks less stressful.
My goal is to help you learn to say ‘yes’ to your entire life. I want you to feel lucky to be alive.